First trimester - Profit by the transit of the star Thieu Duong in House IX in order to tackle your financial problems. You can then find ideal solutions. It will be possible for you to carry out good investments. Some rather unexpected money coming in.
Second trimester - The star Phuc Duc, the master of luck and fortune, should as a rule offer you a very favorable period as regards your finances. Unfortunately, he will at the same time in conflict with other stars, and this may render you excessively imprudent. You should then absolutely control your purchasing desires that will invade you, otherwise you'll reach the critical point and it will take you months to recover the balance.
Third trimester - Don't take any risk on the financial plane, particularly by acting as guarantor for friends or even members of your own family concerning important loans. Remember that "whoever stands surety for someone is seeking trouble for himself" (Chilon). The bills concerning your household should be paid without delay, otherwise you may incur inextricable worries these days. It must be admitted that you're often quite negligent in this domain. With this being said, your material situation will be fairly stable.
Fourth trimester - According to all astral indications, you'll acquire more ease on the financial plane thanks to an inheritance, a marriage, an association or more simply to an improvement of the situation of your spouse or mate. You'll get along quite well with him (her), and this will induce you both to invest on the long term. Certain material ease is promised to all natives of the sign.
Thanks to Asia Flash
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