Pig : Health
First trimester - Undergoing the bad influx of the star Thieu Duong, you'll have a quite capricious appetite these days. You'll then be tempted to feed yourself in an anarchic manner. Try to control yourself a little, otherwise it won't take you long to suffer from the consequences of this unbalanced diet. At least try to take three meals per day, at regular hours, and refrain from nibbling at any moment of the day and even at night. With this being said, if you're reasonable, you'll enjoy quite satisfactory health during this period.Second trimester - The health sector will be very little protected by the stars. But don't panic: the planetary influences won't be so negative as to threaten you seriously. You may simply be a little less resistant than habitual. One bit of advice: a few sessions of acupuncture will be apt to stimulate your immune defenses and to restore the balance of your energies. On the other hand, be careful in the use of tools. Some clumsiness or absent-mindedness could provoke wounds, particularly in your hands. This will mostly be the consequence of your state of nervousness caused by the bad influx of the star Thien Tho.
Third trimester - The changes of weather conditions, the effects of humidity or of pollution will be a source of more or less bothersome disorders such as otitis, headaches, sudden rise of temperature, gum ulcers, and above all nose discharges with gastric troubles and nausea as a consequence. In order to reinforce the defenses of your body shaken by the bad aspects of the star Bat Toa, take vitamin C, preferably as prescribed by your doctor. But apart from this, there'll be nothing to fear for your health.
Fourth trimester - Your health will be excellent on the whole and you'll have nothing to fear on this front. Only those natives whose love affairs are chaotic will experience certain psychic tension that can result in insomnias or nervousness. For those who suffer from a long-time affection, this period marked with the beautiful aspects of the planet Thai Phu, who's in the health sector, will allow a clear improvement.
thanks to Asia Flash
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