DRAGON : What your element has to add ?
Wood Dragon - You'll be concerned about many things, and anguish may invade you. Shake yourself, get rid of such gloomy ideas by indulging in an activity which really captivates you.
Fire Dragon - Your vivaciousness of mind and the rapidity of your reflexes will be surprising. However, your close ones will have a hard time following you, and you can't bear their slowness and their indecision. Be more tolerant.
Earth Dragon - In your family and love life, it will be useless for you to be too demanding: indeed, your close ones will only ask to do you pleasure. Don't seek to complicate things by claiming boisterously what they are quite ready to grant you.
Metal Dragon - You'll be drawn between your sense of duty and your desire to do whatever you want. If you're married, you'll have to make a real effort so as not to succumb to temptation: someone will show up and give you a strong desire to forgo all your beautiful oaths of faithfulness. If you're single, your heart will swing between two conquests, and you may finally decide to choose both!
Water Dragon - Your competence won't be appreciated at its just value by your colleagues. Some of them will make severe criticisms against you. But your employer will continue to trust you.
Thanks To Aisa Flash
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